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26 Results Found

Nursing Leadership Webinars


A Paradigm to End the RN Revolving Door

On-Demand Educational Webinars
Empower your nurses, transform your organization’s environment, create a positive culture and improve patient outcomes by harnessing your nurses’ strengths. Interviews with new graduates show how RNs can build nursing excellence within the organization through small but significant changes such as recognizing their enthusiasm at the bedside to learn more, get involved and participate or readjusting pre-requisites for classes and roles that previously focused on years of experience or education levels.

FAONL Informational Webinar

This webinar will review the application and eligibility process for the FAONL credential.

Preserve the Art of Human Caring with micro-practices

This webinar will provide the audience with examples of evidence-based, caring micro-practices that can be integrated into the daily workflow of registered nurses working in the acute care setting.

Building the BSN Workforce

On-Demand Educational Webinars
[ON-DEMAND CONFERENCE SESSION] The need is growing for a more highly educated nursing workforce. HR leaders are challenged to assure a staff prepared to improve care delivery across all settings, contribute to cost containment, and to fill future leadership roles. Innovative new models of education are being developed to meet these workforce needs. Participants will hear details about these models and the role of employers to expand their impact. Specific strategies will be provided to support the education of new nurses and facilitate education of the existing workforce.

Dear Doctor, Let's Communicate-Respectfully, Nurses

Learn to identify communication barriers and how to utilize staff surveys, staff-driven action planning, and focused PDSA cycle development and evaluation.

Avoid Nursing Burnout

Learn how nurses can change habits that lead to burnout and five strategies to help you integrate healthy habits into your daily life.

Mentorship: Pride in Professional Nursing Practice

This webinar discusses the purpose and benefits of a formal mentoring program for nurses and defining the responsibilities of mentors and mentees.

The Transgender/Gender Non-conforming Patient

Nurse leaders at all levels are uniquely positioned to ensure health care systems are meeting the needs of the Transgender and gender non-conforming community.