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13 Results Found


WellSpan Health: A Commitment to Quality and Community

In this conversation, Mindy Estes, M.D., former CEO of Saint Luke's Health System and former AHA board chair, and Roxanna Gapstur, Ph.D., R.N., CEO of WellSpan Health, discuss the strategies that enabled WellSpan to maintain high-quality care during and after the pandemic. 

Leadership Dialogue Series: At the Intersection of Technology and Nursing With Advocate Health

As the nursing profession continues to evolve, it is embracing new technologies and practices that allow nurses to focus on what matters most — their patients.

Retaining A Rural Nursing Workforce: It Takes A Village

Attracting and retaining nurses presents a major workforce challenge, particularly in rural health care settings. At the University of Vermont Health Network, leaders realized that the ongoing nursing shortage crisis required creative solutions, including investment in the well-being of the nursing staff.

How UVA Health is Helping to Build a Nursing Workforce

Building and retaining a nursing workforce is one of the many challenges facing health care today.

Why Nurses on Your Board Matter

In this conversation, Ellen Brzytwa, R.N., trustee at the Cleveland Clinic, discusses her mission of bringing more nurses into board positions.

Leadership Dialogue Series: Sustaining the Nursing Workforce with Joy Parchment, R.N.

In this conversation, Joanne M. Conroy, M.D., CEO and president of Dartmouth Health and 2024 AHA board chair, talks with Joy Parchment, R.N., assistant professor at the University of Central Florida College of Nursing and board member of the American Organization for Nursing Leadership (AONL), about ways that care providers can retain nurses and build a talent pipeline of future nurses.

#WeAreHealthcare: Understanding and Reconnecting to Purpose with VCU Health System

As we start to emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic, understanding and reconnecting to purpose, rediscovering our why is key to moving forward.

[Special Edition] Nurses’ Journey from Ukraine to U.S. with Ochsner Health

Warner Thomas, president and CEO of Ochsner Health, sat down recently with Robyn Begley to discuss the relocation of Ukrainian nurses fleeing the war in their country to Louisiana courtesy of Ochsner Health in New Orleans, who has partnered with Global Nurse Partners, which brings internationally experienced nurses and U.S. healthcare facilities together for permanent positions.

Surging Input Costs Create Many Challenges for Hospitals and Health Systems

In this podcast that highlights a new report from the AHA detailing these factors, Philip Pandolph, president and CEO, Meadville (PA) Medical Center and Chair of the AHA Rural Health Services Committee, explains how rising costs for supplies and equipment, drugs, and labor, along with inflation and razor thin margins has left his hospital vulnerable.

Leadership Dialogue Series: Debbie Hatmaker

AHA Board Chair Wright L. Lassiter III is joined by Debbie Hatmaker, chief nursing officer of the American Nurses Association Enterprise.