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4 Results Found

AHA Ukrainian Effort to Help Health Care Workers

Passport2Liberty helps Ukrainian nurses resettle in the United States. OSF Healthcare leads efforts to donate ambulances and supplies.

The Essential Role of the Registered Nurse and Integration of Community Health Workers into Community Team-Based Care

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The evolution of community team-based care acknowledges new and modified roles for clinicians and other care givers, their relationships and customized interactions with patients and families.

Tri-Council for Nursing: Increase Access to Care through APRN Practice

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The Tri-Council for Nursing is deeply disappointed in the resolution passed at the Interim Meeting of the American Medical Association’s (AMA) House of Delegates, which renews the AMA’s commitment

Engaging the Nursing Education Community in the Local Response to the Ebola Virus

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AONL, with the Tri-Council for Nursing, released a position statement on how to engage the nursing workforce in eradicating the Ebola virus.