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AHA Physician Alliance Webinar Library

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Integrating Physician Practices into a Hospital Risk Management Program - ASHRM On-Demand Webinar

This webinar-based self-study identifies similarities and differences between physician practice and risk management and hospital risk management.

Cultivating Physician Engagement During the Pandemic

Our presentation follows the journey of Northeast Georgia Health System (NGHS), which saw opportunity during crisis to invest in leadership development and the well-being of physicians through their Applied Physician Leadership Academy (APLA). This 6-month program, collaboratively designed with The Leadership Development Group, paved the way for forward progress on previously dormant mission-critical strategic imperatives while also empowering and engaging physicians as leaders amidst a pandemic backdrop.

Beyond Burnout and Engagement: A Systematic Method for Measuring and Addressing Health Professional Wellness

Burnout has been implicated in higher turnover, reduced patient satisfaction and worsened safety, but understanding the degree of burnout in a given health professional or team does not direct HR leaders to solutions. In this webinar, presenter Dan Shapiro, Vice Dean for Faculty and Administrative Affairs at the Penn State College of Medicine, demonstrates how to choose starting interventions for different institutional burnout profiles and identify the major variables impacting physician and nurse turnover.

Social Determinants of Health Virtual Expedition Modules

The Social Determinants of Health Virtual Expedition Modules provide a way to understand and tackle the social determinants of health, an introduction to Upstream Quality Improvement, how to use Upstream Quality Improvement to address food insecurity, how to use Upstream Quality Improvement to address housing insecurity, and how to use Upstream Quality Improvement to address transportation.

The Next Frontiers for Providing High-Value Care in Hospitals

Date: Tuesday, July 10, 2018

AMGA-AHA: Care Redesign and Quality Improvement

Date: Wednesday, May 23, 2018 Time: 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time