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30 Results Found
Mentor Interest Form for Next Generation Leaders Fellowship | Center
Turning accomplished and rising health care professionals into future leaders to bring about real and lasting change.
Partnering for the Future: Academic-practice Partnerships | Strengthening the Health Care Workforce
As organizations rethink their approaches to recruitment and retention, many are expanding on the strategic relationships that exist between clinical settings and educational institutions to advance mutual interests and priorities.
How to Strengthen Your Nurse Retention Strategy
Focus on continuous quality, improving nurse recruitment and retention, workforce education, and quality and safety for nurse retention.
What is the ANSI/ASHRAE/ASHE 189.3 Standard?
The standard number changed to 189.3 and first issuance in 2017 to the parent document 189.1 integrating into the International Green Construction Code® (IgCC).
Success Stories - Ohio Health and Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center
OhioHealth and Ohio State Wexner Medical Center openly share best practices to improve patient outcomes and celebrate each other’s successes
Success Stories - Atrium Health Cleveland
Atrium Health Cleveland has made great strides in energy efficiency in the last decade.
Success Stories - University of Maryland Medical Center
ASHE hosted a two-day Energy to Care Treasure Hunt at the University of Maryland Medical Center (UMMC) in Baltimore
Success Stories - Providence St. Joseph Medical Center
Even small hospitals can make big moves to improve their sustainability.
Success Stories - Excela Health
Excela’s executives charged its hospital directors with finding cost-cutting opportunities.
Success Stories - Aurora Sinai Medical Center
Embracing energy efficiency to attain measurable results is a facility-wide effort.