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5 Results Found
Webcast: UDI to Cost Savings and Quality of Care Improvement
Dick Perrin of AHRMM’s Learning UDI Community (LUC) discusses the atomization and use of the same UDI across the continuum.
Webcast: Barriers to Hinder Innovation
Listen as Dennis Orthman of Access Strategy Partners explains how innovation is hindered by the barriers of competition and how to actively seek it.
How e-Commerce is Transforming the Health Care Supply Chain Webcast
Matt Burns, Director eCommerce Solutions at Premier discusses the $200B explosion of health care supply chain e-commerce usage during the two years since the COVID-19 pandemic began and the variety
Reduce your Margins with RPA (Robotic Process Automation)
Robotic Process Automation or RPA is new to the health care field but can be solution to reduce margins at your hospital.
UDI Value in Recall Management
Karen Conway, Vice President, Healthcare Value at GHX and Mike Schiller, Senior Director of Supply Chain at AHRMM discuss the value of UDI beyond regulations highlighting recall management and how