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8 Results Found
How to Create Better Risk Control Strategies with Data Innovations
This presentation will showcase groundbreaking innovations in data analytics that bridge gaps between workers' compensation loss runs, professional liability data, and health benefits information, enabling a clearer view into high-risk areas and enhancing your risk prevention efforts.
Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Patient Care, Performance Improvement, and Risk Mitigation
This webinar is essential for health care professionals, administrators, and decision-makers who wish to stay ahead of technological advancements and improve their health care delivery through the power of AI.
Considerations for Selecting, Using and Evaluating Health Care Based AI in an Unregulated World
Learn how to identify the two primary data sources fueling AI, understand the diverse methods of AI development and master the art of asking crucial questions when selecting AI applications.
Artificial Intelligence: The "Risk" is not Artificial
This webinar explores the use of AI in health care at UMass Memorial health and the regulations that might impact you.
Cybersecurity in the Age of Connected Medical Devices
On-Demand Educational Webinars
Cybersecurity impacts all industry verticals including health care. Health care organizations need to address security in standard technology and medical devices. In this webinar, we discuss eight key practices straight from the Mayo Clinic’s cybersecurity strategy.
Utilizing Robotics: The Procedural Value Equation
How to assess the total procedural value through a clinical and economic lens.
Convergence: The Virtual Health Care Supply Chain (Re-engineering the Health Care Supply Chain: A CQO Thought Leader Discussion Series)
COVID-19 has forced us all to embrace and rely on virtual technology to conduct business. This sudden change has impacted supply chain operations and strategy execution, from staffing to supplier engagement and operational performance.
Empowering Supply Chain Through Streamlined Technology
On-Demand Educational Webinars
Today, health systems are being forced to leverage disparate data from internal and external sources to drive business intelligence solutions. In this webinar, we review some of the challenges of disparate technology systems and how data can be better synchronized to drive meaningful understandings that fuel decisions.