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3 Results Found
The Well-being Impact of Northwestern Medicine's Scholars of Wellness Program
In this discussion, Gaurava Agarwal, M.D., vice president and chief wellness executive at Northwestern Medicine and director of faculty wellness at Northwestern University, and Samantha Saggese, physician assistant of nephrology and hypertension at Northwestern Memorial Hospital, explain the difference the Scholars of Wellness program is making, and how it could be adopted for the benefit of hospitals and health systems across the nation.
Caring for Family Caregivers Part 4: The Future of Family Caregiving
In part 4 of this podcast series, Nancy Myers, vice president of leadership system innovation at the American Hospital Association, is joined by clinical services director Lynette Harvey of the Camarillo Health Care District and high risk program manager Maureen Hodge of Community Memorial Health System, both in Ventura County, California.
Strategies to Prevent Health Professional Burnout
David Zaas, M.D., chief clinical officer for MUSC Health in South Carolina and CEO of its Charleston Division, talks with Nancy Foster, AHA vice president for quality and patient safety, about strategies and tools to address burnout as health care professionals continue to care for COVID-19 patients.