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12 Results Found

Committee advances bills to reauthorize programs to support health care workers, pediatric emergency care

The House Energy and Commerce Committee March 20 unanimously passed AHA-supported legislation to reauthorize through 2029 the Dr. Lorna Breen Health Care Provider Protection Act (H.R. 7153), which provides grants to help health care organizations offer behavioral health services for front-line health care workers.

AHA participates in NAM event on health workforce well-being, DEI

In anticipation of the first Health Workforce Well-Being Day March 18, the National Academy of Medicine this week held an event to share success stories and resources to inspire action.

Building a Systemic Well-being Program: A 5-Step Blueprint

The AHA’s Physician Alliance and the Collaborative for Healing and Renewal in Medicine have released a five-step blueprint to help health care leaders build a systemic well-being program to prevent health care worker burnout.

AHA podcast: The Growing Role of Chief Wellness Officers in Health Care 

Jonathan Ripp, M.D., chief wellness officer for the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai and one of the nation’s first, discusses his role and how the importance of employee wellness has evolved over the past decade.

AHA podcast: Peer Support and Building an Infrastructure of Employee Mental Wellness

Suzanne Bentley, M.D., chief wellness officer at New York City Health and Hospitals Elmhurst, discusses the critical role of peer support in employee mental health and the impact of building infrastructure focused on the well-being of staff.

AHA podcast: Workforce Well-being at Ochsner Health

Nigel Girgrah, M.D., chief wellness officer at Ochsner Health, discusses the business case for workforce well-being.

Revisiting Clinician Credentialing to Support Well-being

The American Hospital Association (AHA) believes that no health care worker should experience barriers to seeking or receiving behavioral health care. Consistent with that commitment, we encourage hospitals to examine any practices impacting whether health care providers seek behavioral health care services.

Health care workers: Thank you for taking care of us — and for taking care of yourselves

Here are six tips for health professionals to prioritize their mental wellbeing as we head into the holidays.

NAM launches AHA-supported resource compendium for health care worker well-being

The National Academy of Medicine today launched Resource Compendium for Health Care Worker Well-Being, which highlights tools that are ready to be deployed and strategies to address systems issues related to health care workers’ burnout.

Health and well-being top concerns in nationwide nurse survey

The American Nurses Foundation surveyed 22,000 nurses across the nation to learn about pressing topics in the profession