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5 Results Found

Beyond Burnout and Engagement: A Systematic Method for Measuring and Addressing Health Professional Wellness

On-Demand Educational Webinars
[ON-DEMAND WEBINAR]: Modified from Maslow’s hierarchy, this model directs leaders to address basic physical and mental health needs first; physical safety second; and then address higher order needs including respect from colleagues, patients, processes and the Electronic Health Record; appreciation and connection; and finally, time and resources to heal patients and contribute to the greater good.

Crucial Drivers in Nursing Engagement: Creating Practical Strategies

On-Demand Educational Webinars
[ON-DEMAND WEBINAR]: An in-depth analysis of key drivers in engagement along with implications for retaining the right staff and preventing burnout. Participants will learn to build strategies to improve engagement within their teams and walk away with a Best Practice Action Items sheet with practical strategies that are easily implemented on return to their organization.

Beyond Burnout and Engagement: A Systematic Method for Measuring and Addressing Health Professional Wellness

Burnout has been implicated in higher turnover, reduced patient satisfaction and worsened safety, but understanding the degree of burnout in a given health professional or team does not direct HR leaders to solutions. In this webinar, presenter Dan Shapiro, Vice Dean for Faculty and Administrative Affairs at the Penn State College of Medicine, demonstrates how to choose starting interventions for different institutional burnout profiles and identify the major variables impacting physician and nurse turnover.

Thriving in Ambiguity: Using Emotional Intelligence to Develop Agility

On-Demand Educational Webinars
[ON-DEMAND WEBINAR]: Presenters will describe some of the recent neuroscience around change and why it is hard for people to move away from the “how things have always been” mentality. HR leaders will be able to utilize emotional intelligence to facilitate effective change management.