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24 Results Found

Physician Burnout Demands Bold Action

Burnout is a multifaceted syndrome encompassing three primary components: emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and a reduced sense of personal accomplishment.

Project Firstline

Project Firstline is CDC's collaborative with AHA and other organizations to provide infection control training and education to health care workers

Health Care Facilities Managers

ASHE has developed and compiled resources specific to ventilation and negative pressure rooms to build on your knowledge base and assist you in educating and training others

Outside Contractors and Technicians

ASHE offers resources specific to ventilation and negative pressure rooms to reinforce and build on your knowledge base in these areas.

Clinical Staff

USP <800> Monograph and Risk Readiness Checklist Bundle

The new USP Monograph and Risk Readiness Checklist Bundle developed by American Society for Health Care Engineering and the American Society for Health Care Risk Management discusses the physical environment provisions of USP and is primarily intended for the use of health care facility managers. The accompanying checklist helps users identify areas where opportunities exist to comply with required standards. The aim of USP is to protect health care workers and patients from harm associated with exposure to hazardous drugs (HDs). Entities that handle HDs must incorporate the standards into their occupational safety plan.

ASHE/AAP Podcast

ASHE is pleased to contribute to this critical education and training opportunity and offer resources aimed at optimizing environments of care. 

COVID-19 Resources for Health Care Facilities

COVID-19 resources that cover critical hospital operations such as air quality, safety and security, emergency preparedness and infection prevention.

COVID-19 Recovery

A guide for planning for and carrying out recovery measures to restore operational capabilities to appropriate post-COVID-19 pandemic levels.

COVID-19 Frequently Asked Questions