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6 Results Found
Strategies for Planning and Development
This on-demand session was presented at the Spring Summit: Transformational Excellence.
Improving Community Health: An Emerging Priority for Health System Governance
On-Demand Educational Webinars
This webinar: Makes the case for health system engagement in multi-sector initiatives for improving community health.
Discusses challenges system boards and leadership teams will likely have in participating in community health improvement.
Makes recommendation for consideration by health system boards and leaders to make community health improvement an organizational and governance priority.
Developing Creative Affiliations for New Capabilities
On-Demand Educational Webinars
Presented by Kaufman Hall’s Anu Singh, this webinar provides guidance for hospital and health system boards to strategically consider:
The Transgender/Gender Non-conforming Patient
Nurse leaders at all levels are uniquely positioned to ensure health care systems are meeting the needs of the Transgender and gender non-conforming community.
4 R's of Resiliency
Leaders in health care may feel as though they are doing everything within their power to provide a great work environment, develop an engaged workforce