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88 Results Found

About the Community Health and Environment Initiative

Background about why the initiative was founded, what it seeks to achieve, what it bases its work on and what its deliverables are.

Fellowship in Action | Next Generation Leaders Fellowship | Center

The Next Gen Fellowship allows fellows to feature their transformative work through videos and capstone projects.

TeamSTEPPS Success Stories

Each TeamSTEPPS Success Story provides insights into the approaches and goals that shaped the journey, includes information on actions taken and outcomes measured, and shares recommendations for success from diverse TeamSTEPPS perspectives.

Forever Grateful

This time has been hard for many, but it has been especially challenging for doctors, nurses and health care workers. Through it all, they have cared for their communities with compassion and skill. We invite you to thank the women and men at your local hospital or health system for all they do to keep us healthy and safe.

Bridging Health Care and Faith

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About the Hospital Community Collaborative | HCC | Center

HCC’s mission is to create the next generation of sustainable clinical-community partnerships. The HCC experience, and structure is featured.

The Patient Care Partnership

Replacing the AHA's Patients' Bill of Rights, this plain language brochure informs patients about what they should expect during their hospital stay with regard to their rights and responsibilities.

#CHIWeek Digital Engagement Toolkit

The Community Health Improvement Week digital engagement toolkit provides copy and graphics to help promote CHI Week on social media.

Ways to Celebrate CHI Week

Learn how your organization can celebrate Community Health Improvement Week (CHI Week) by spreading the word, posting on social media and more.

As Delta Variant Spreads, Doctors Deliver Straight Talk on COVID-19 to People Who Are Unvaccinated

Phoebe Putney Health System, based in Albany, Georgia, serves more than 500,000 residents in 41 counties and has been hit hard by the pandemic. Enrique Lopez, M.D., a surgical intensivist at Phoebe Putnam Memorial Hospital who has recently helped out in Phoebe North’s COVID-19 units, gives a blunt account of the summer surge in cases.