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127 Results Found

Accelerating Health Equity Conference | AHA - Homepage

A time to connect and collaborate to advance community health, well-being, and equity, presented by ACHI and IFDHE.

Well-Being Debriefings: An Intervention to Support Workforce Well-Being and Patient Safety

This live stream from LLN will explore how well-being debriefings can be integrated into broader safety & quality frameworks within health care orgs.

AHA Funded Partnerships

Funded Partnerships fosters transformative health care collaborations supported by AHA and its 501c3, the Health Research & Educational Trust (HRET).

Forget About the Metaverse: Patient Experience IRL is the Immediate Opportunity for Health Care

While there are many operational and industry challenges to contend with, the solutions must start with the Voice of the Consumer to ensure activation + engagement.

Virtual Coaching Sessions for Hospital Community Collaborative Members | HCC | Center

Virtual coaching sessions that HCC enrollees can participate in throughout the year to exchange knowledge and collaborative strategies with peers.

Community Health Assessment Case Studies

Case studies for the CHA Toolkit provide practical examples of CHA tactics used by hospitals, health systems and community partners across the U.S.

Hospital Community Collaborative Academy

The Hospital Community Collaborative's Academy offers specialized workshops for hospital and community organizations looking to improve their work.

Community Health and Environment Workshops

The in-person workshops provide attendees with the opportunity to generate relevant solutions for their work by engaging in interactive activities.

Custom Health Equity Innovation Summit

The custom Health Equity Innovation Summits are designed for organizations to partner and co-host health equity summits with the American Hospital Association’s Institute for Diversity and Health Equity (IFDHE).