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83 Results Found

AHA Center for Health Innovation’s Market Scan | Center

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3 Ways to Reimagine Care Delivery to Support Your Workforce

The AHA 2025 Health Care Workforce Scan is based on the latest reports, studies and other data sources and offers valuable insights into the workforce landscape, as well as practical guidance from experts and peers to help your organization navigate the future of the health care workforce.

Infographic: Understanding the Hospital At Home Program

The hospital-at-home (H@H) model — where patients receive acute level care in their homes, rather than in a hospital — has emerged as an innovative and promising approach to provide high quality care to patients in the comfort of their homes.

Optum Rounds Out Its Home Health Portfolio as Competition Heats Up

Optum is making waves in the home health market with its strategic acquisitions. Learn about their latest moves and their implications for the post-acute care landscape.

Providers Betting Big on Future of Hospital at Home

Providers are shifting to hospital at home programs, betting on the future of healthcare. Learn about the growth and potential of CMS hospital at home initiatives.

How to Respond to the Great Digital Disruption

Many health care providers could face an uncertain future if they refuse to transform themselves. Digital innovators can offer hospitals and health systems technology and insights to help solve their most challenging problems.

Case Study: Integrating Age-Friendly Care in a Geriatric Emergency Department

An interdisciplinary team at Sharp Grossmont Hospital in La Mesa, Calif., has effectively integrated age-friendly care in its busy emergency department, which also is recognized as a

4 Ways New High-Tech Valley Health Facility Will Redefine Patient Experience

Valley Health will tackle a huge challenge in April that it has been anticipating for some time. In a single day, all patients from its Ridgewood, New Jersey, hospital will be moved to the new high-tech Valley Hospital in Paramus.

Cedars-Sinai Develops Algorithm to Detect AFib in Symptomless Patients

Researchers at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center’s Smidt Heart Institute in Los Angeles are beginning to tackle atrial fibrillation (AFib) with an algorithm they developed to detect abnormal heart rhythm in symptomless people.

3 Takeaways from the HLTH Conference

Amid the sound bites and substance delivered at the recent HLTH conference, health care leaders, transformers and innovators shared how they plan to reshape care delivery, partner to drive innovation and help consumers get greater access to obesity and diabetes medications along with a greater holistic focus on weight management.