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19 Results Found


AONL-AHA Model of Care Learning Community

This care model innovation learning community aims to enhance collaboration, knowledge sharing, and capacity building among organizations.

Virtual Learning Session: Becoming an Age-Friendly Health System Apr 27

Free, virtual learning session on April 27 will provide hospitals, health systems and other care sites with info on being recognized as age friendly.

Advancing Care Conference - Homepage

The decision has been made to end the highly rated Advancing Care Conference and instead focus on other ways to convene our Team Training community.

Using Technology to Reduce Suicides & Sitter Costs: Lessons from SSMs St. Anthony Hospital

In this discussion, Larry Phillips, D.C.S.W., Program Manager and Norah Erb R.N. Director of Nursing Practice SSM, St. Anthony Hospital, Oklahoma City, will describe an innovative approach to integrating physical and behavioral care, via a monitored care unit.

Webinar: Adding Value by Embedding Mental Health Care in Every Patient Visit

Properly diagnosing and treating mental health disorders through an effective integrated team approach is vital to achieving population health. In 2000, Intermountain created a Mental Health Integration (MHI) program that made mental health evaluation and services part of routine primary care.

Webinar: St. Vincent’s, Jacksonville, the ROI of Mental Health First Aid

Learn how five local hospital systems created a course to train people to perform "adult mental health first aid," giving members of the public skills to help someone who is developing or experiencing a mental health crisis

A Behavioral Intervention Team for Internal Medicine: Yale-New Haven Hospitals Proactive, Multi-disciplinary Psychiatric Consultation Service

Merlyn LaPaix, MSN, MBA, LNC, Director, Psychiatric Nursing, Stephen Merz, FACHE, Vice President & Executive Director, Behavioral Health, Yale-New Haven Psychiatric Hospital; and William Sledge, M.D., George D and Esther S Gross Professor of Psychiatry, Yale University School of Medicine, describe BIT: a proactive, multi-disciplinary psychiatric consultation service for internal medicine inpatients at Yale-New Haven Hospital.

Integrating Behavioral and Physical Health: How the COVID-19 Pandemic Makes this Even More Important

As a result of the pandemic, many behavioral health hospitals and service lines have created COVID-19 + treatment programs, while some general hospitals are increasing screening and treatment for behavioral health disorders.

Montefiore Health System, Bronx, NY: Enhancing Behavioral Health Care with Smartphone Technology

Held April 11, 2018 Please join Montefiore Health System Executive Henry Chung, M.D., Senior Medical Director, Mo