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12 Results Found

Energy Resilience in Healthcare | Lunch & Learn

This webinar, hosted by Honeywell, will help show how to manage the environmental impact of your health care facilities more effectively.

How to Optimize Energy Costs, Reliability and Sustainability in Central Plants | Presented by Johnson Controls

Learn about plant optimization and the variety of approaches used for minimizing costs. Understand the steps towards an optimized plant. Hear a few use cases of recent Johnson Controls plant optimization projects.

Your Prescription for Energy Management Excellence | Presented by Engie Impact

During this webinar, we will explore the barriers healthcare networks face at each stage and discuss the strategies to overcome them so you can advance your energy management strategy.

Beyond the red plug: Reliable power systems and savings for Healthcare facilities | Lunch & Learn

Beyond the red plug: Reliable power systems and savings for Healthcare facilities | Lunch & Learn

Best Practices in Energy Procurement

Best practices in energy procurement for health care facilities. Learn how to optimize utility contracting and navigate dynamic energy markets.

Energy Trend: Cogeneration in Healthcare

Join our webinar to understand how CHP can improve energy efficiency and reduce costs.