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40 Results Found

ASHE Core Competency Framework™

ASHE’s Health Care Facilities Core Competency Framework charts out key skills of health care facilities management, and offers education, resources and tools to help professionals fill knowledge gaps in each area.

Electrifying Heat in an Existing Hospital

This guide focuses on the design, construction, and operation of decarbonized new hospital buildings and major renovations.

Energy Management: ASHE Core Competency Framework™

Competency in energy management means using the right amount of energy to maintain the delivery of care while working to reduce energy use.

Success Stories

Since 2010, over 3,500 facilities have recognized significant energy savings through the Energy to Care program.

Sustainability Tips

Get real-world sustainability tips from professionals in health care facilities. Learn how to thrive in energy sustainability best practices.

Sustainability Tools and Resources

Find additional resources that will help you reduce energy use and get the most out of the Energy to Care program.

Sustainability Messaging to Motivate

Discover the power of sustainability messaging to motivate your workforce. Learn effective strategies to engage employees in sustainable behaviors.

ASHRAE/ASHE Decarbonizing Hospital Buildings Guidebook

This guide focuses on the design, construction, and operation of decarbonized new hospital buildings and major renovations.

In 2020 We Got Ready. Will We Stay Ready?

New strategies of varying capability were implemented across health care systems.

ASHE Proudly Announces the Release of its Revamped Energy to Care Dashboard

New features offer a clean, user-friendly interface for quick interpretation relevant to sophisticated and novice users alike.