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109 Results Found
NFPA seeks comments on proposed cybersecurity requirements
ASHE is helping to gather feedback on a newly proposed cybersecurity chapter planned for the 2027 edition of NFPA 99
Building telehealth into the master plan
Does your health facility have a virtual care strategy in place?
Telemedicine hub links care specialists to patients at N.Y. area health facilities
WMCHealth's telehealth operations center offers N.Y. patients personalized care from specialists
Hospital rehabs 40-year-old OR suites
Overhaul of medical technology and HVAC system modernizes New York hospital's operating rooms
Interactive platform creates engagement at cancer facility
State-of-the-art, multi-device patient care system transforms patient experience
Robotic dogs join construction crew for new hospital
Autonomous robots save human coworkers dozens of hours in repetitive tasks
Guthrie scales up virtual support team
AI-supported telestting program eases health system's short-staffing burden
Flexibility is central to The Valley Hospital’s new, smart hospital
Lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic factor into facility's suite of high-tech features
Virtual reality training optimizes hospital design
Caregivers and hospital staff use new technology to offer their expertise
Wearable devices call for investment in wireless infrastructure
Building the wireless infrastructure necessary for real-time health care monitoring can significantly improve patient outcomes