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17 Results Found

Shared Mental Model | AHA TeamSTEPPS Video Toolkit

Cultivate awareness and synergy with your coordinated successful team to guarantee safety of patients with this Project Firstline program.

Project Firstline

Project Firstline is CDC's collaborative with AHA and other organizations to provide infection control training and education to health care workers.

Health Care Facilities Managers

ASHE has developed and compiled resources specific to ventilation and negative pressure rooms to build on your knowledge base and assist you in educating and training others

Outside Contractors and Technicians

ASHE offers resources specific to ventilation and negative pressure rooms to reinforce and build on your knowledge base in these areas.

Clinical Staff

EVS Resource Tool Dashboard

A tool designed for EVS workers to find resources/trainings aligned with AHE's competencies in order to identify resources across all job levels.

AHA's Project Firstline - Resource Handout

Resources from Association for the Health Care Environment - AHE, American Society for Health Care Engineers - ASHE, and Teamtraing

Handoff | AHA TeamSTEPPS Video Toolkit

Use a Handoff tool for optimal patient transitions of care, effectively transfer responsibility & accountability with this Project Firstline program.

SBAR | AHA TeamSTEPPS Video Toolkit

Get your point across quickly using the SBAR framework to help communicate quickly & concisely in any setting with this Project Firstline program.

Closed-Loop Communication | AHA TeamSTEPPS Video Toolkit

Close the loop to prevent miscommunication and missteps; call out, check back and verify to close the loop with this Project Firstline program.