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15 Results Found

Frequently Asked Questions Regarding ICD-10-CM Coding for COVID-19

Accurate coding is critical: AHA's ICD-10-CM FAQs address pneumonia icd10 & dizziness icd10 for precise COVID-19 documentation.

Fact Sheet: Extending the Acute Hospital Care at Home Program Beyond the End of the COVID-19 PHE

The AHA urges Congress and the Biden Administration to extend the H@H program as currently authorized under the waiver to allow providers to continue to take steps to transform care delivery in a way that improves patient experience and outcomes while ensuring high patient safety. The Hospital Inpatient Services Modernization Act (S. 3792, H.R. 7053), bipartisan legislation introduced by Senators Carper (D-DE) and Scott (R-SC) and Congressmen Blumenauer (D-OR) and Wenstrup (R-OH), would provide a two-year extension of the current H@H waiver.

Fact Sheet: No Provider Relief Funds Have Been Allocated for Delta, Omicron COVID-19 Surges

To date, there have been approximately 4.5 million total reported COVID-19 hospital admissions, with 49% of those admissions occurring since July 1, 2021 during the Delta and Omicron surges. Despite these drastic surges, no Provider Relief Funds have been allocated or disbursed to address the multitude of challenges that have resulted from these surges.

Fact Sheet: Hospitals Need Additional Flexibility on Repaying CMS Accelerated and Advance Payments

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ (CMS) accelerated/advance payment program provides necessary funds when there are disruptions in claims submission and/or processing.

Fact Sheet: Hospital Costs Explained

The mission of each and every hospital in America is to serve the health care needs of the people in its community 24 hours a day, seven days a week. But, hospitals’ work is made more difficult by our fragmented health care system — a system that leaves millions of people unable to afford the health care services they need.
Member Non-Fed

AHA Virtual Advocacy Day November 10, 2020

Congress is back in Washington, D.C., for its “lame-duck” session, in which lawmakers will take up pressing, end-of-year business. Funding for the federal government, as well as other key health care provisions, are set to expire Dec. 11.

Fact Sheet: Reset IMPACT Act to Account for COVID-19 Lessons on Post-acute Care

The Improving Medicare Post-Acute Care Transformation (IMPACT) Act of 2014 was enacted, in part, to develop a unified payment model for the post-acute care (PAC) field, recognizing that payment needed to be modernized for the four PAC settings – home health (HH) agencies, skilled nursing facilities (SNF), inpatient rehabilitation facilities (IRF), and long-term care hospitals (LTCH). However, the legislation could not account for the transformative changes implemented to the existing PAC payment systems following its passage.
Member Non-Fed

Urge Your Senators and Representatives to Support Hospitals and Health Systems in End-of-Year Legislation

Congress is back in Washington, D.C., and sprinting to the finish line to complete its end-of-the-year work during the “lame-duck” session. Funding for the federal government, as well as other key health care provisions, are set to expire Dec. 11.
Member Non-Fed

COVID-19 Relief Reconciliation Advocacy

Congress is discussing another COVID-19 relief package, one that would use its reconciliation process to approve legislation that could spur the nation’s health and economic recoveries from the ongoing pandemic. The following resources will aid AHA members’ efforts to advocate on behalf of hospitals and health systems.

Fact Sheet: Preserving and Building on Private Sector Health Care Coverage

Health care coverage is critical to ensuring patients’ access to care, which supports their own individual health, as well helps prevent the further spread of COVID-19. The economic stress of the public health emergency already has cost millions of jobs and is therefore expected to increase the number of individuals and families without coverage.