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12 Results Found

Member Non-Fed

AHA Virtual Advocacy Day November 10, 2020

Congress is back in Washington, D.C., for its “lame-duck” session, in which lawmakers will take up pressing, end-of-year business. Funding for the federal government, as well as other key health care provisions, are set to expire Dec. 11.
Member Non-Fed

Urge Your Senators and Representatives to Support Hospitals and Health Systems in End-of-Year Legislation

Congress is back in Washington, D.C., and sprinting to the finish line to complete its end-of-the-year work during the “lame-duck” session. Funding for the federal government, as well as other key health care provisions, are set to expire Dec. 11.
Member Non-Fed

COVID-19 Relief Reconciliation Advocacy

Congress is discussing another COVID-19 relief package, one that would use its reconciliation process to approve legislation that could spur the nation’s health and economic recoveries from the ongoing pandemic. The following resources will aid AHA members’ efforts to advocate on behalf of hospitals and health systems.

100 Million Mask Challenge - Hospitals and Health Systems

We encourage all of our hospitals and health systems to partner and coordinate with businesses in your communities that may have the equipment and ability to help produce much needed personal protective equipment. We have provided all of our design specs to be shared widely.

100 Million Mask Challenge - Communities

We appreciate all of your efforts and encourage you to visit the websites of your local hospitals and health systems to determine what needs exist and how you can best support them. In the event that they are not needed, these masks can be used by you, your family and friends in your community. Our hope is that manufacturing companies across the company will step up to rapidly produce surgery-grade masks and face shields for health care workers.

100 Million Masks - Manufacturers


100 Million Mask Challenge: Individuals

We appreciate all of your efforts and encourage you to visit the websites of your local hospitals and health systems to determine what needs exist and how you can best support them. In the event that they are not needed, these masks can be used by you, your family and friends in your community. Our hope is that manufacturing companies across the company will step up to rapidly produce surgery-grade masks and face shields for health care workers.

100 Million Mask Challenge: Workforce

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100 Million Mask Challenge: PPE Information and Guidance

The American Hospital Association and our partners continue to work to make sure that every health care provider can have access to much-need personal protective equipment especially during this health care crisis. Information, policies, procedures and best practices around PPEs are evolving quickly as the overall situation evolves. Here is a quick review of what we’re seeing in the field today with links, as available, for more information.

100 Million Mask Challenge: Manufacturers

If you are a manufacturer able to help with the 100 Million Mask Challenge, and not already connected with your local hospital or health system, please review the information on this page and share your contact information with us.