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13 Results Found

AHA urges MedPAC to update payments for hospitals, post-acute care and physicians

The AHA urged the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission to update payment recommendations for hospitals, post-acute care facilities and physicians in advance of the commission's Jan. 16 public meeting. AHA urged MedPAC to issue a higher update than the current-law market basket update plus an additional 1% for the hospital inpatient and outpatient prospective payment systems.

CMS releases CY 2025 home health PPS final rule, partially delays behavioral adjustments 

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Nov. 1 issued its calendar year 2025 final rule for the home health prospective payment system.

Senate report scrutinizes Medicare Advantage prior authorization denials for post-acute care services 

A report released Oct. 17 by the Senate Homeland Security Committee’s investigative subcommittee scrutinizes some of the nation's largest Medicare Advantage insurers for their use of prior authorization and high rates of denials for certain types of care.

AHA urges HHS OIG to further scrutinize Medicare Advantage organizations' use of prior authorization for post-acute care

The AHA Sept. 17 urged the Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Inspector General to further scrutinize policies and practices by certain Medicare Advantage Organizations (MAOs) that impede patient access to post-acute care and circumvent rules designed to ensure access and coverage parity between MA and Traditional Medicare.

AHA comments on CMS’ home health PPS proposed rule for CY 2025 

The AHA Aug. 26 commented on the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services' home health prospective payment system proposed rule for calendar year 2025, expressing concerns about ongoing access challenges for beneficiaries needing home health care and the potential for the proposed rule to cause additional disruption.

HHS announces investigation of MA prior authorization use for post-acute care 

The Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Inspector General last week announced its intent to investigate Medicare Advantage Organizations’ prior authorization denials for post-acute care after a qualifying hospital stay.

Panel considers potential changes to home health model

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Dec.

AHA comments on MedPAC’s recent post-acute care discussions

AHA urged the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission to reconsider its pursuit of site-neutral payment policies for inpatient rehabilitation facilities and skilled-nursing facilities.

Advancing Health in America Is a Bipartisan Goal We Can All Get Behind

The convening of the 118th Congress this week is a reminder of Washington’s highly-charged political environment.

Post-Acute Care Advocacy Alliance News Update - October 2022

Beginning Oct. 1, 2022, IRFs have been required to collect and report new data elements adopted into the IRF PAI V4.0.