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71 Results Found


"The Case for Change": Addressing New York’s Health Care Challenges

Key findings from a report titled "The Case for Change" have identified four drivers of some of the most pressing challenges facing health care in New York state.

Innovative Workforce Strategies to Lead Your Organization Forward

America’s health care workers are the backbone of hospitals and health systems to provide strong patient care.

The Must Do's for Welcoming a New CEO

For health care organizations, welcoming a new CEO can present uneasy change — but it also allows the opportunity to creatively address some of the field's biggest hurdles.

The Growing Role of Emergency Departments in Behavioral Health Services

The past five years have seen a rise in the number of people turning to their local hospital emergency departments for behavioral health and addiction services.

Unsustainable Costs of Caring

America’s hospitals' and health systems' are facing a tidal wave of financial challenges, with finances stretched to their breaking point by three years of pandemic and now post-pandemic strain.

Leadership Dialogue Series: The Dynamic Work of Boards With Saint Luke’s Health System

The many pressures squeezing health care providers have all served to make the role of hospital trustees, or governing board members, more important than ever.

Why Nurses on Your Board Matter

In this conversation, Ellen Brzytwa, R.N., trustee at the Cleveland Clinic, discusses her mission of bringing more nurses into board positions.

New Strategies in a Disruptive Era With Johns Hopkins and Guidehouse

Health care leaders are finding new ways to strengthen performance through innovative approaches, while improving care, quality and patient safety. In this conversation hear how Johns Hopkins is using innovation to ensure long-term financial stability while managing day-to-day struggles. This podcast is brought to you by Guidehouse.

Environmental Sustainability in the World of Health care

There is growing awareness in the health care field that becoming a better steward of the environment is something well within the capabilities of most health caregivers.

Prepping for the Future: Succession Planning in Health Care

Succession planning can feel like a luxury in health care, but its importance cannot be overstated.