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51 Results Found
Weathering the Storm: Health care facilities on the front lines of resiliency and recovery
This eBook features a collection of articles describing extreme weather events that have affected health care facilities across the country.
ASHE Management Monographs
The ASHE monographs cover single topics in clinical/biomedical engineering, facility engineering, design and construction, and safety and security management.
How to Prepare for a Decarbonization Study
How to Prepare for a Decarbonization Study outlines the steps a hospital team can take to initiate a decarbonization study at their facility.
HPOE Guide: Improving the Patient Experience Through the Health Care Physical Environment | ASHE
ASHE Sustainability Guide
Establish a green team, create an energy management plan and promote sustainability in health care with ASHE's Sustainability Guide.
ASHE: Mgt Mono - Quantifying Hospital Cord Connected Plug Loads in Inpatient Areas
The study compares anticipated plug load with energy intensity data provide guidance for designers in estimating a facility's design load.
ASHE: Managing Hospital Emergency Power Systems: Testing, Operation, Maintenance, Vulnerability Miti
This monograph describes an EPS management program that will equip health care facilities to meet the requirements and challenges they face today.
Monograph: Evaluating Electrical Distribution Equipment to Determine Replacement Needs
This monograph provides guidance on how to determine replacement needs for electrical distribution equipment, including strategies for upgrading an electrical distribution system.
Managing Hospital Electrical Shutdowns
Improve your hospital's electrical infrastructure, power system reliability, and staff training with the utility management program approach.
Monograph: The Environment of Care and Health Care-Associated Infections: An Engineering Perspective
This monograph explores the role of the health care environment in infection control, provides information on common pathogens, and gives details on strategies to reduce health care-associated infections.