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Serving Older Emergency Patients with Extra TLC
Trustee Articles
Hospitals large and small recognize the value of special protocols and services for older patients who seek emergency care.
FAQ | Next Generation Leaders Fellowship | Center
Answers to frequenly asked questions for the AHA Next Generation Leaders Fellowship are provided along with The John A. Hartford Foundation Age-Friendly Health Systems Cohort Scholarship.
From Pro Forma to Proactive
Trustee Articles
As hospitals buy physician practices, board compensation oversight must shift into high gear.
Physicians Key in Value-Driven Environment
Trustee Articles
Executive and board support is needed for physician leadership that lasts. Collaborative leadership with physicians will be essential for hospitals to successfully create and maintain agile organizations that can compete in the rapidly changing healthcare landscape.
Physician Whiplash
Trustee Articles
Board support is essential in helping doctors take on and succeed in leadership roles. The emerging health care environment requires far more physician leadership than has been needed in the past. But there is a natural barrier to physicians who answer the call to lead, and it is best described as “physician whiplash.”
Physician-Hospital Alignment: Meeting on What Matters
Trustee Articles
The evolving U.S. health care system will demand more standardization, reduced variation in outcomes and lower costs, necessitating new care delivery methods. A variety of models may emerge but physicians are the one constant to any emerging care paradigm, making hospital physician alignment imperative.
Perils of Payment
Trustee Articles
The complexity around physician compensation demands defined, layered board oversight.
Chapters Home
ChaptersChapters provide health care environmental services professionals, and those with a stake in the environment of care, with invaluable ne
Maternal Health: Improving Quality Outcomes
Designing care that improves quality and patient safety contributes to improved pregnancy outcomes. These AHA resources highlight success stories of hospitals and health systems that focus on models of care aimed at improving their maternal care quality and outcomes.
Getting Strategic about Shared Decision Making
Trustee Articles
Boards can foster patient-centered care by encouraging meaningful conversations during patient encounters and by incentivizing clinicians.