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AHA Physician Alliance Webinar Library

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Caring for Patients with OUD in the General Hospital

This webinar is presented by:

Sustaining Teamwork Excellence: Leveraging TeamSTEPPS for Long-Term Success

Implementing TeamSTEPPS is only the beginning, this webinar is all about sustaining the benefits and moving the needle on culture change. Discover long-term strategies for embedding TeamSTEPPS principles into daily practice and how to plan for sustainability through ongoing training, leadership support, and shared accountability. (Webinar presented November 13, 2024)

A Clinical and Culinary Guide to Healthy Hospital Food

Hospitals have an obligation to provide health-promoting meals for inpatients, outpatients, staff, and visitors. To make menu changes at a health care institution, it is important to identify allies, work as a team to develop new recipes and taste test meals, and educate all staff on the importance of healthy meals. Resources and recipes are available at the Physicians Committee’s Healthy Hospital Program webpage. (Webinar presented September 19, 2024)

The Critical Role of Nurse Managers in Nurse Retention

Nurse managers play a critical role in nurse retention and job satisfaction. In this webinar, learn how to build strong leaders and incorporate professional development opportunities within your health care organization. Dive into different ways to develop and retain nurse managers as they ultimately can impact overall retention. (Webinar presented August 28, 2024)

Understanding and Managing Bond Covenants During Financially Challenging Times

Kaufman Hall discusses hospital bond covenant requirements, implications of covenant breaches, and steps to take if covenants are violated.

Insurer Watch: Leverage Data to Hold Payers Accountable

Speakers share updates on AHA efforts to address unfair commercial health insurance practices and orient participants with a new tool to help hospitals identify opportunities to reduce operational challenges — the Insurer Watch dashboard, powered by the AHA Vitality Index™.

Cultivating Physician Engagement During the Pandemic

Our presentation follows the journey of Northeast Georgia Health System (NGHS), which saw opportunity during crisis to invest in leadership development and the well-being of physicians through their Applied Physician Leadership Academy (APLA). This 6-month program, collaboratively designed with The Leadership Development Group, paved the way for forward progress on previously dormant mission-critical strategic imperatives while also empowering and engaging physicians as leaders amidst a pandemic backdrop.

A Behavioral Intervention Team for Internal Medicine: Yale-New Haven Hospitals Proactive, Multi-disciplinary Psychiatric Consultation Service

Merlyn LaPaix, MSN, MBA, LNC, Director, Psychiatric Nursing, Stephen Merz, FACHE, Vice President & Executive Director, Behavioral Health, Yale-New Haven Psychiatric Hospital; and William Sledge, M.D., George D and Esther S Gross Professor of Psychiatry, Yale University School of Medicine, describe BIT: a proactive, multi-disciplinary psychiatric consultation service for internal medicine inpatients at Yale-New Haven Hospital.