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50 Results Found
AHRMM Keys for Supply Chain Excellence
The AHRMM Keys for Supply Chain Excellence are Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that set the standard for supply chain management in the health care field. AHRMM has developed the AHRMM Keys for Supply Chain Excellence – essential Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that every health care supply chain should be measuring.
Health Care Supply Chain Management: Resource & Logistics Processes
This manual is divided into four distinct units, which include: Materials Management Organization and Administration, Materials Management Functional Areas, Stewardship, and Information Management and Technology.
Supply Chain Services Integration in High Supply Cost Clinical Services Business Units
Magazine & Journal Articles
Jim Smoker, CMRP, MPA, CS, York, Pennsylvania
A Broader Focus for Tomorrow's MMs
Magazine & Journal Articles
AHRMM's Cost, Quality, and Outcomes (CQO) Movement will provide training and education to help supply chain professionals make the correlation between cost, quality, and outcomes.
Policies and Procedures Manual for the Health Care Supply Chain, 2nd Edition
AHRMM's Policies and Procedures Manual for the Health Care Supply Chain, 2nd Edition contains over 160 new and revised health care supply chain policies and procedures to reflect current leading practices needed to run a successful supply chain department in any health care organization.
The Challenges and Opportunities of Contract Price Alignment in Healthcare
Magazine & Journal Articles
Managing contract pricing more effectively—from creation to renewal or expiration—can deliver real operational and financial benefits for healthcare organizations.
Essentials of Supply Chain Management, 3rd Edition
Presenting the core concepts and techniques of supply chain management in a clear, concise, and easily readable style, the Third Edition of Essentials of Supply Chain Management outl
Infant Formula Shortage
The AHA will continue to monitor the baby formula supply shortage and work with hospitals to ensure access to the needed supplies. Explore AHA’s and resources from the FDA, White House, HHS and others on this page.
Equitable and Inclusive Organizational Policies: Exploring Transformation Action Planner
Action Planning is a critical step in collectively advancing equity and dismantling structural barriers (e.g., racism, sexism, ageism, etc.) in hospitals and health care systems. This Transformation Action Planner is for hospitals at Exploring on the Equitable and Inclusive Organizational Policies continuum.