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6 Results Found

Strategic Marketplace Initiative (SMI) Resources for Supply Chain

The Strategic Marketplace Initiative (SMI) is a consortium of healthcare supply chain executives united to re-engineer and advance t

Supplier/Provider Reengagement After the Pandemic

As providers begin to pivot from this pandemic back to a standard model of care, now is the time for product and service suppliers to begin engagement. Below are 5 leading practices suppliers can use to engage their provider customers during the COVID-19 pandemic. 1. The right time to engage is now 2. Show understanding compassion, empathy and patience 3 & 4. Offer short- and long-term plans 5. Overall, listen. Supply chain will let you know what they need and when

IV Strategies for Disruptions - How to Guide

How-to guide to managing IV disruptions. Download Tool

Guidance for Writing Comments

How to write a constructive, information-rich comment that clearly communicates and supports its claims to have an impact on regulatory decision making.

Antibiotic-Free Meat and Poultry Quick Guide

Antibiotic resistant bacteria are an increasing concern to health care professionals.

Poster: Adopting a Clinically Integrated Supply Chain

As health care organizations evolve, their strategies to include population health, the total cost, episode and subsequently value of care provided will be determined by patient outcomes.