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45 Results Found
AHRMM Podcast
The AHRMM Power Up Podcast Series, a podcast dedicated to health care supply chain professionals. Hosted by Mike Schiller and Justin Poulin, this groundbreaking series explores the latest trends, strategic insights, and innovative solutions in the health care supply chain industry.
The Critical Need for Resource Conservation Plans in the Face of Disasters
In this conversation, Michael Schiller, executive director of the Association for Health Care Resource & Materials Management (AHRMM), and Michael Ganio, senior director of pharmacy practice and quality with the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP), discuss the need to create a conservation plan for critical patient supplies that could be threatened by a disaster.
Planning for Resiliency in the IV Fluid Supply Chain
In this conversation, Mark Taylor, M.D., surgical director for surgical operations at Cleveland Clinic, discusses the health system's ongoing IV fluid conservation strategies and the importance of constant and targeted communication during supply chain shortages.
Podcast: UDI to Cost Savings and Quality of Care Improvement
Consider the historical path of the Unique Device Identifier (UDI) currently hovering at its real-time usage and the resulting in cost savings and patient safety improvements.
Podcast: What Hospitals Use as a Basis for Decision Making
Brent Petty discusses what forces are currently affecting healthcare and the platform hospitals use for decision making criteria.
Discussing Vendor Consolidation with Physicians Podcast
Having conversations with clinicians can be difficult, Howard Mann, a 30 year supply chain professional, discusses how to prepare for physician conversations regarding vendor consolidations to redu
Podcast: Building Trust: 10 Commandments of a Trusting Relationship
As we redefine healthcare into a value-based service, it is critical to develop the type of partner relationship where trust and respect are at the forefront.
Network Supply Chain Assessments: Identifying Opportunities Podcast
Hear a general approach to network supply chain assessment to identify areas for improvement.
Medical Products of Human Origin, UDI and ICCBBA: Supply Chain’s Role Podcast
AHRMM Podcast on how supply chain should be interdepartmentally conversing to determine the handling of human-origin medical products and their UDIs.
Specialized Value Analysis Teams for Resource Utilization Podcast
Donna Gammarato discusses the importance of creating specialized Value Analysis teams to analyze resource utilization and reduce costs.