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5 Results Found


AHA Comments to CMS on Financial Assistance Program Navigators

AHA response to CMS's request for comment on how navigators and non-navigator assistance personnel working within hospitals and health systems may help consumers access financial assistance programs to help pay for health care services.

Comments on CMS’ Proposed Rule on Fraudulent Billing Activity within the Medicare Shared Savings Program

AHA's comments on CMS' proposed rule to mitigate the impact of significant, anomalous and highly suspect (SAHS) billing activity within the Medicare Shared Savings Program (MSSP) in calendar year (CY) 2023.

IRS Issues Final Rule Implementing Medical Device Excise Tax

An announcement of the Final Rule issued by the IRS.

Global Unique Device Identification Database (GUDID) Draft Guidance for Industry

This page provides information about submitting data to the database for device Labelers, entities responsible for providing the data to the GUDID.

AHRMM Statement on Comparative Effectiveness

AHRMM supports the concept and use of Comparative Effectiveness Research (CER) to provide evidence-based data to help inform purchasing decisions.