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3 Results Found
Understanding and Managing Bond Covenants During Financially Challenging Times
Kaufman Hall discusses hospital bond covenant requirements, implications of covenant breaches, and steps to take if covenants are violated.
Insurer Watch: Leverage Data to Hold Payers Accountable
Speakers share updates on AHA efforts to address unfair commercial health insurance practices and orient participants with a new tool to help hospitals identify opportunities to reduce operational challenges — the Insurer Watch dashboard, powered by the AHA Vitality Index™.
Addressing Debt Covenant Challenges with Kaufman Hall Webinar Recording
The AHA recorded this webinar on June 17 at 2 p.m. ET. Speakers from Kaufman Hall provided a comprehensive and in-depth guide for hospitals to help them assess and manage compliance with their bond covenants during the COVID-19 pandemic. The AHA moderated this conversation and attendees were able to ask questions in advance and during the presentation.