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79 Results Found
Today in Nursing Leadership Podcast
Stories connect us. They inspire us. And they offer us the opportunity to grow. Tune into Today in Nursing Leadership for a monthly conversation with nursing leadership experts.
Five Questions With Clinical Leaders Podcast Series
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Innovative Workforce Strategies to Lead Your Organization Forward
America’s health care workers are the backbone of hospitals and health systems to provide strong patient care.
The Must Do's for Welcoming a New CEO
For health care organizations, welcoming a new CEO can present uneasy change — but it also allows the opportunity to creatively address some of the field's biggest hurdles.
Leadership Dialogue Series: The Dynamic Work of Boards With Saint Luke’s Health System
The many pressures squeezing health care providers have all served to make the role of hospital trustees, or governing board members, more important than ever.
Why Nurses on Your Board Matter
In this conversation, Ellen Brzytwa, R.N., trustee at the Cleveland Clinic, discusses her mission of bringing more nurses into board positions.
Prepping for the Future: Succession Planning in Health Care
Succession planning can feel like a luxury in health care, but its importance cannot be overstated.
Leadership Dialogue Series: Driving Community Health Improvement With SBH Health System
For hospitals and health systems of every size and location, it’s critically important to adapt to the needs of their communities.
Training Future Health Care Leaders to Address Health Disparities
In this conversation, John Bluford describes how the Bluford Healthcare Leadership Institute is training young and diverse talent to assume leadership roles.
The Evolving Role of the Physician Leader
One hallmark of America's rapidly changing health care system is the evolving role of physician leaders who have chosen to wear two leadership hats as both doctor and administrator.