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5 Results Found

Painful Product Conversions

White Papers
This paper describes the development of a multidisciplinary and innovative product conversion process at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute (DFCI) in Boston, Massachusetts, when the existing process

Team Based Purchasing in Healthcare - A New World

White Papers
Purchasing in healthcare is largely based on a hierarchical management style. In an experimental case started in 2004, at Floyd Medical Center in Rome, Georgia, this standard was altered.

Improving & Managing the Sterilization Process Through the Use of Surgical Instrument Management Software & Lean

White Papers
The surgical instrument management software (SIM) implementation began in October of 2003 and a Lean initiative to redesign processes began in October 2005.

A Framework for Success: Applying the Baldrige Excellence Framework to the Healthcare Supply Chain

White Papers
This paper explores the application of the Baldrige Excellence Framework to the health care supply chain.