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14 Results Found
Survey on mental health, suicide prevention shows uptick in 988 hotline awareness
A survey released Oct. 9 and funded by the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, the Suicide Prevention Resource Center and the National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention, a public-private partnership whose members include the AHA, shows 63% of U.S. adults are aware of the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline, a 6% increase from 2022.
Chair File: Supporting Mental Health and Well-being and Preventing Suicide
September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month.
AHA podcast: Suicide Prevention in Wisconsin’s Farming Community
The Farmer Angel Network support group is devoted to suicide prevention in Wisconsin's farming communities. In this conversation, co-founder Brenda Statz, Carey Craker, marketing and volunteer services associate at Reedsburg Area Medical Center, and Christy Updike, transformation program manager at Sauk Prairie Healthcare, discuss how this impactful work began, the domino effect that suicide can have in farming towns and the resources available to support families and loved ones.
HHS releases national suicide prevention strategy, plan
The Department of Health and Human Services and National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention, a public-private partnership whose members include the AHA, April 23 released a national strategy and federal plan to prevent suicide over the next 10 years. The updated strategy includes a new pillar prioritizing equity for populations disproportionately impacted by suicide.
Bill would support suicide prevention training for health care workers
AHA Feb. 22 voiced support for the Child Suicide Prevention and Lethal Means Safety Act (H.R. 7265), legislation that would provide funding for training programs to help health care workers identify patients at high risk for suicide or self-harm.
VA emergency suicide prevention care policy helps nearly 50,000 in first year
A Department of Veterans Affairs policy that provides free emergency suicide prevention care has helped nearly 50,000 veterans and former service members in its first year, the VA announced last week.
Preventing suicide in the health care workforce depends on all of us
For National Suicide Prevention Month and National Physician Suicide Awareness Day, the Zero Suicide Institute and the Suicide Prevention in the Health Care Workforce guide provides strategies for preventing suicide in physicians and health care workers.
Revisiting Clinician Credentialing to Support Well-being
The American Hospital Association (AHA) believes that no health care worker should experience barriers to seeking or receiving behavioral health care. Consistent with that commitment, we encourage hospitals to examine any practices impacting whether health care providers seek behavioral health care services.
Chair File: Taking Care of Health Care Professionals
The greatest resource in the health care field is our workforce.
Strengthening Our Health Care Workforce Must Be Top of Mind for Everyone
The AHA is committed to helping hospitals and health systems support their people today, prepare them for tomorrow and build a pathway for the future.