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9 Results Found

Chair File: Supporting Mental Health and Well-being and Preventing Suicide

September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month.

Preventing suicide in the health care workforce depends on all of us

For National Suicide Prevention Month and National Physician Suicide Awareness Day, the Zero Suicide Institute and the Suicide Prevention in the Health Care Workforce guide provides strategies for preventing suicide in physicians and health care workers.

Revisiting Clinician Credentialing to Support Well-being

The American Hospital Association (AHA) believes that no health care worker should experience barriers to seeking or receiving behavioral health care. Consistent with that commitment, we encourage hospitals to examine any practices impacting whether health care providers seek behavioral health care services.

Chair File: Taking Care of Health Care Professionals

The greatest resource in the health care field is our workforce.

Strengthening Our Health Care Workforce Must Be Top of Mind for Everyone

The AHA is committed to helping hospitals and health systems support their people today, prepare them for tomorrow and build a pathway for the future.

How Recovery Leads to Resilience

In an industry like health care, where employees are chronically exposed to stressful and even life-threatening experiences, proactively preventing suicide is paramount.

Chair File: Shining a Spotlight on Suicide as a Public Health Issue

September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month — a time for mental health advocates, community organizations, health care organizations and others to highlight resources and raise awareness of this stigmatized, and often taboo, topic.

Access Curated and Vetted Resources with AHA’s New Stress Meter™

Stress has always been present in our lives, but during the COVID-19 pandemic, it reached new levels for many groups of people.

988: Transforming America’s Behavioral Health Safety Net

In 2020, Congress designated 988 as an easy to remember 3-digit dialing, texting, and chat code to assist people experiencing mental health and/or substance use emergencies. 988 will complement the current National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, which is currently answered by over 200 local crisis centers across the country.