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Spring Symposium Agenda
Learn more about the sessions that will take place at the HCMC Spring Symposium happening on Tuesday, April 29.
Spring Symposium
Join us Tuesday, April 29 as we focus on the changing world of health care capacity management at the HCMC Spring Symposium.
Hospital Capacity Management Consortium 2025 Spring Symposium
Join us Tuesday, April 29 as we focus on the changing world of health care capacity management at the HCMC Spring Symposium.
The Addiction Crisis: A Community's Response
The speakers will share how a Northern Shenandoah Valley community coalesced to develop strategies to effectively respond to the challenge of heroin and opiate abuse in a rural Virginia community.
Be the Employer of Choice for Behavioral Health: Lessons from Inova Kellar Center Webinar
Held Wednesday, May 15, 2019
School Based Health Centers: Integrating Physical and Mental Health Meeting and Treating Students Where They Are
Held May 26, 2015
Webinar: Jefferson Health - New Jersey: South Jersey Behavioral Health Innovation Collaborative
The current behavioral health system is not fully meeting the needs of patients in New Jersey, where more than 240,000 adults live with a severe mental illness and a growing number of adults require treatment for substance use disorder. To address these challenges, five health systems have joined together to invest in data integration, stakeholder engagement, and innovative service delivery models with the goal of shifting the system toward patient-centered care.
A Community Partnership for Behavioral Health: Spectrum Health Gerber Memorials Experience
Learn how SHGMH has worked with Newago County Mental Health (NCMH) to integrate behavioral health in Newaygo County, including embedding a NCMH clinician at two Rural Health Clinics. Speakers will share the impact of a comprehensive partnership between physical and behavioral health providers.
Improving 24/7 Access to Behavioral Health Via an Outpatient Assessment Center, ED Telehealth & Video Home Visits
Members-Only Webinar
Held Wednesday, May 27, 2015
Using Technology: Carolinas HealthCare System is Increasing Access to Behavioral Health
Held February 11, 2016