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15 Results Found

Effective CEO Performance Evaluation

Following key strategies for effective CEO performance appraisals are essential to the health care board’s role.

Distinguishing Governance and Management

Trustee Articles
“What is the difference between governance and management?” is by far the question that not-for-profit executives and directors ask most often. Effective boards understand the difference between governing and managing; dysfunctional boards do not.

Preserving the Distinction Between Management and Governance

Trustee Articles
Clarifying accountabilities between management and governance is essential for high performance. Discover best-practice governance principles in this article.

Building an Effective CEO-Board Partnership

The past few years have only made things harder for new CEOs, with the impact of COVID-19 creating a volatile, politicized environment on top of existential organizational challenges. Even with all that, a big surprise for a new CEO is how much time and energy are required to establish and nurture an effective strategic partnership with your board so as to add value to the organization.

Bringing the Voices of Kids into the Boardroom

Board CultureBringi

Becoming a First-Rate Board

Trustee Articles
Fulfilling duties includes actively engaging in practices that promote good governance. A review of best practices enables the board to reflect on opportunities for improvement.

Effective Board Culture: The Last Frontier

Trustee Articles
Over the last decade, and especially since the Enron failure, boards of all types have been working to enhance their performance. They ensure their composition is competency-based; they align their structures with their strategies; and they have robust, written governance procedures.

Building a Lasting Impression

Trustee Articles
When someone walks into your hospital, his first impression is created by the physical architecture. But his lasting impression — and what he is most likely to talk about when he returns home — will be determined by what we call the “invisible architecture” of core values, organizational culture and behavioral expectations.

Getting Ready to Govern

Trustee Articles
Don’t overlook the importance of CEO-board etiquette — it’s a pillar of good governance. The relationship between boards and chief executive officers can be fraught with challenges, and trustees often are unsure of how to handle certain delicate situations. But using a framework of etiquette can provide guidance.