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4 Results Found
Quality, Safety and Regulatory Requirements: Practical Recommendations for the Hospital Board
This webinar, hosted by the AHA’s Trustee Services, provides practical recommendations for boards to meet the quality and patient safety requirements as defined by regulatory bodies and accrediting organizations.
Building (and Maintaining) Your Best Board
On-Demand Educational Webinars
Looking for tips to create – and keep – the board of your dreams? Wondering if that dream can ever become a reality? Curious to know how you can possibly create the board of your dreams if your board members are appointed or placed on your board rather than elected by current directors?
Board Chair Performance Evaluation
On-Demand Educational Webinars
In this webinar governance expert Jamie Orlikoff reviews the rationale for board board chair evaluation, and outlines the step by step process for establishing an effective and productive board chair evaluation process.
Board Elections Nomination Information Session
Listen to this on-demand webinar to learn about the positions open this year, as well as the nomination and applications process for the AONL Board Election.