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3 Results Found

New Approaches to Effective Board Decision Making: Webinar Recording

On-Demand Educational Webinars
Webinar: The first thing any effective board or leadership group does is decide how it will make decisions. Further, effective boards develop different, clearly defined processes to make decisions of different magnitudes. Yet, many boards have never had an explicit conversation about or developed multiple approaches to this most critical of governance functions — their decision making. This webinar will outline several different, practical and effective decision making techniques to expand your board’s tool kit of processes and techniques for making effective decisions.

Using Board Meeting Time Wisely

On-Demand Educational Webinars
Webinar: A board only exists when it is meeting. This means that the single most precious commodity that a board possesses is its time together. The best boards consciously strive to use their meeting time efficiently and effectively.

Board Meetings: How to Drive Effective Board Dynamics

On-Demand Educational Webinars
Webinar Board Meetings: How to Drive Effective Board Dynamics The format of a board agenda can either drive effective strategic discussion or can stifle it