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122 Results Found

Chair File: Leadership Dialogue — Advancing Health and Building Trust with Lynn Hanessian and Robert Trestman, M.D.

In this Leadership Dialogue, Lynn Hanessian, former chief health strategist for Edelman, which recently released its 2025 Trust Barometer, and AHA Board Member Robert Trestman, M.D., chair of psychiatry and behavioral medicine at Carilion Clinic., join Tina Becker Freese to discuss the importance of trust and how it has evolved in recent years.

AHA podcast: Caring for Our Kids — Raising St. Louis Is Helping New Families Thrive

Traci Carter, program manager of Raising St. Louis in Missouri, and Nicole Kozma, director of school and community outreach programs at St. Louis Children’s Hospital and BJC Community Health Improvement, discuss the scope of the Raising St. Louis program.

Chair File: Building Trust in Today’s Environment

Trust — in one another, our hospitals and health systems, our communities and our government — feels more important than ever.

In 2022, we were bold. In 2023, we’ll do even more.

Bold. It’s a small but powerful word to describe the efforts of the Institute of Diversity and Health Equity in 2022.

CMS: Nearly 24 million have signed up for 2025 Marketplace coverage

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Jan. 8 announced 23.6 million consumers have signed up for a 2025 Health Insurance Marketplace plan. Of that total, approximately 3.2 million are new consumers.

Latest United Against the Flu toolkit urges vaccination during peak respiratory virus season 

AHA’s latest social media toolkit for encouraging vaccination against the flu and COVID-19 focuses on vaccination during peak respiratory virus season. The January toolkit features messages and social media assets that hospitals and health systems can use on their channels.

Chair File: Hospitals’ Unwavering Work and Commitment to Advance Health in America

Each and every hospital and health system across the country has powerful and inspiring stories of hope, healing and health to tell.

AHA podcast: Health Equity at the Center of Rural Care

In this conversation, Terry Scoggin, CEO of Titus Regional Medical Center, discusses how the organization designed a system of care to ensure that every patient has equitable access, and how the AHA's Health Equity Roadmap has provided valuable resources to support Titus’ mission of transforming the health of its communities.

Study: Cancer treatment rates on the rise for people under 50 

A study released Dec. 9 by FAIR Health shows an increase in cancer treatment rates for people aged 18-49.

CMS says nearly 988,000 have enrolled for new Marketplace coverage

Approximately 988,000 consumers who currently do not have health insurance coverage through the individual marketplace have signed up for a 2025 health plan through the federally facilitated Health