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10 Results Found


2025 Environmental Scan

The 2024 AHA Environmental Scan details data and trends that have implications for the health care field for the coming year and beyond. The Scan will help your staff, leadership and board strategize and plan for the future.

AHA's 2022-2024 Strategic Plan

The American Hospital Association’s 2022-2024 Strategic Plan seeks to position the AHA to lead, represent and serve the field as its national advocate and provide guidance to our members and stakeholders who will tailor their paths to their own communities.

Skyrocketing Hospital Administrative Costs, Burdensome Commercial Insurer Policies Impacting Patient Care

Between 2022 and 2023, care denials increased an average of 20.2% and 55.7% for commercial and Medicare Advantage (MA) claims, respectively.

Guiding Principles for Future Patient Care Delivery

The care delivery system of the future will be characterized by vast complexity due to use of sophisticated technology, aging of the population with the associated growth in chronic health issues, as well as diversity of patient populations and practice settings.

Building a Safe Workplace and Community

In 2021, the American Hospital Association’s Hospitals Against Violence (HAV) Advisory Group developed the Building a Safe Workp

Legal Requirements for Reporting and Education for Human Trafficking and Health Care Providers

As part of the American Hospital Association’s Hospitals Against Violence initiative, the AHA, Jones Day and HEAL Trafficking have come together to provide resources to health care providers across the nation who are fighting the global scourge of human trafficking.

2021 Cost of Caring

Hospitals and health systems work hard every day to make care more cost-effective and efficient for their patients, at the same time that they are caring for the nation’s most complex and resource-intensive patients. This has been especially true during the COVID-19 pandemic as hospitals and health systems have provided essential services and saved lives, while also facing unprecedented financial and operational challenges.

Creating Safer Workplaces A Guide to Mitigating Violence in Health Care Settings

A collaboration between the American Hospital Association (AHA) and the International Association for Healthcare Security and Safety (IAHSS) to recommend action steps for hospital leaders to build a safer workplace

The Ameriplan Report to Restructure Health Care Delivery and Financing

For decades, the AHA's Ameriplan Report served as a blueprin

System Chief Nurse Executive Competencies

The role of the system chief nurse executive (CNE) is a sub specialty of nursing leadership and requires its own set of competencies.