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25 Results Found
Community Health Assessment Case Studies
Case studies for the CHA Toolkit provide practical examples of CHA tactics used by hospitals, health systems and community partners across the U.S.
Using Technology to Reduce Suicides & Sitter Costs: Lessons from SSMs St. Anthony Hospital
In this discussion, Larry Phillips, D.C.S.W., Program Manager and Norah Erb R.N. Director of Nursing Practice SSM, St. Anthony Hospital, Oklahoma City, will describe an innovative approach to integrating physical and behavioral care, via a monitored care unit.
Value Break: Fostering Transparent Communication between Providers and Patients
Learn about how sharing medical notes can help you improve value for your patients.
Webinar: Road to Resilience: Recovery and Resiliency: Building Community
This webinar is the fourth in a series highlighting the National Mass Violence Victimization Resource Center (NMVVRC) and expands on the topics of recovery and resiliency.
Webinar: Road to Resilience: Discover the National Mass Violence Victimization Resource Center
On this webinar, leaders from the National Mass Violence Victimization Resource Center (NMVVRC) will provide an overview of available resources and services.
Webinar: Road to Resiliency: Preparedness and Response: Planning for Mass Violence
This webinar is the third in a series highlighting the National Mass Violence Victimization Resource Center (NMVVRC) and explores how hospitals and health systems can better prepare for and respond
Webinar: Las Vegas Mass Shooting: Lessons from Health Heroes
This webinar is the second in a series highlighting the National Mass Violence Victimization Resource Center (NMVVRC) and sets the stage for why hospitals and health systems need be aware of and pl
The Patient's Voice: Enhancing Trauma-informed Care
Webinar Recordings
This webinar highlights upstream approaches to screen and assess patients with trauma and ACES in acute-care and provider settings, along with prevention strategies to build resiliency within providers, patients and communities.
How Hospitals and Health Care Systems Can Address Human Trafficking
Webinar Recordings
This webinar explored the problem of human trafficking, identified approaches health care organizations can adopt to address human trafficking and provided case examples of hospitals leading the field in human trafficking prevention.