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19 Results Found

Meeting Patients’ Perinatal Mental Health Needs

Hospitals can play a key role in building holistic treatment and support for perinatal mental health disorders during this critical period.

Chair File: Transforming Maternal Health Care and Outcomes

Ensuring all women have the care they need during and after pregnancy is a priority at U.S. hospitals and health systems. Across the country, hospitals and health systems are addressing all aspects of maternal care, including access, disparities, the social drivers of health, and mental health concerns.

HRSA awards nearly $19 million to states for maternal health programs

The Health Resources and Services Administration Oct. 9 announced it will award nearly $19 million to 15 states for identifying and implementing maternal health strategies.

Surgeon General issues advisory on mental health and well-being of parents 

U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy, M.D., Aug. 28 released an advisory on the mental health and well-being of parents.

Beyond Birth: Exploring Stories of Motherhood and Health Care

The award-winning five-episode Beyond Birth podcast series covers some of the pressing issues facing maternal health and well-being.

Study shows increases in postpartum primary care using automated scheduling

The results of a study published July 16 by JAMA Network Open showed a 19% increase in postpartum primary care provider visits for patients through the use of automated, op-out appointments, reminders and educational messages. 

Making Maternal Mental Health a Priority

According to latest data from the CDC, the U.S. maternal mortality rate, already significantly higher than in comparable countries, continues to rise, specifically for women of color.

AHA podcast: A new approach to opioid abuse helps mothers and babies 

Chris DeRienzo, M.D., AHA senior vice president and chief physician executive, speaks with three experts about how the award-winning Women and Infant Substance Help (WISH) Center at SSM Health St. Mary's Hospital is helping mothers break their addiction to opioids and other substances.

AHA blog highlights stories of motherhood shared in Beyond Birth podcast series 

The award-winning Beyond Birth podcast series helps bring hospital programs to life by telling personal stories of how they positively impact mothers and their families, writes Julia Resnick, AHA’s director of strategic initiatives.