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9 Results Found

Meeting Patients’ Perinatal Mental Health Needs

Hospitals can play a key role in building holistic treatment and support for perinatal mental health disorders during this critical period.

Chair File: Transforming Maternal Health Care and Outcomes

Ensuring all women have the care they need during and after pregnancy is a priority at U.S. hospitals and health systems. Across the country, hospitals and health systems are addressing all aspects of maternal care, including access, disparities, the social drivers of health, and mental health concerns.

Beyond Birth: Exploring Stories of Motherhood and Health Care

The award-winning five-episode Beyond Birth podcast series covers some of the pressing issues facing maternal health and well-being.

Making Maternal Mental Health a Priority

According to latest data from the CDC, the U.S. maternal mortality rate, already significantly higher than in comparable countries, continues to rise, specifically for women of color.

Taking Big Steps for Improving Maternal and Child Health

In this Spotlight Feature interview, Jean Ricci Goodman, M.D., and Aparna Sharma, M.D., discuss the program’s development and how it’s designed to improve maternal and child health in Loyola’s surrounding communities.

Resources for World Mental Health Day and Beyond

Today we’re proud to share some recent AHA resources surrounding behavioral health.

Supporting Black Women’s Maternal Mental Health Journey

Black women are three to four times more likely to experience a pregnancy or childbirth-related death than White women. The health and well-being of women on their maternal journey – before, during and after childbirth are critical aspects of equitable health care.

Chair File: Improving Mental Health and Resiliency

Millions of people across our country are living with a mental health issue. It’s estimated that one in five U.S. adults and one in six young people ages 6-17 experience a mental health disorder every year.