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5 Results Found


Building a Safe Workplace and Community

In 2021, the American Hospital Association’s Hospitals Against Violence (HAV) Advisory Group developed the Building a Safe Workp

Legal Requirements for Reporting and Education for Human Trafficking and Health Care Providers

As part of the American Hospital Association’s Hospitals Against Violence initiative, the AHA, Jones Day and HEAL Trafficking have come together to provide resources to health care providers across the nation who are fighting the global scourge of human trafficking.

Creating Safer Workplaces A Guide to Mitigating Violence in Health Care Settings

A collaboration between the American Hospital Association (AHA) and the International Association for Healthcare Security and Safety (IAHSS) to recommend action steps for hospital leaders to build a safer workplace

The Ameriplan Report to Restructure Health Care Delivery and Financing

For decades, the AHA's Ameriplan Report served as a blueprin

System Chief Nurse Executive Competencies

The role of the system chief nurse executive (CNE) is a sub specialty of nursing leadership and requires its own set of competencies.