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67 Results Found
Hospitals Are Cornerstones in Their Communities Infographic
There are over 5,000 community hospitals in the United States. The care they provide for patients is critical and often
extends beyond the four walls of the hospital and into the community. As a result, community hospitals provide 24/7
access to needed medical care, support unmet community health needs and serve as economic pillars in their community.
Hospital Provides Newborns with 'Readiness Bags' for Early Education
Plenty of babies and parents leave the hospital with a few gifts, whether it’s a signature onesie or an extra pack of diapers. But for those leaving University of Maryland Upper Chesapeake Medical Center in Bel Air, the “Readiness Bag” is not just for the body, but for the mind.
Costs of Caring
While recent data suggest that some hospital and health system finances have experienced modest stabilization from historic lows in 2022, the hospital field is still far from where it needs to be to meet the demand for care, invest in new and promising technologies and interventions, and stand ready for the next health care crisis.
2023 Costs of Caring
Hospitals appreciate the support and resources that Congress have provided throughout the COVID-19 pandemic; however, additional support is needed to keep hospitals strong so they can continue to provide care to patients and communities.
Community Health Improvement Stories from the Field
Hospital, health system and community organization leaders share stories on advancing population health, community health and health equity.
Role of Hospitals: University Hospitals 2020 Community Benefit Report
University Hospitals (UH) is in a unique position to influence population health and advance economic opportunities for their communities. They have made great strides in contributing to the health and welfare of Northeast Ohioans as well as addressing social determinants of health.
Stemming Violence, Supporting Community Health: One California Hospital’s Plan
Learn how Providence Holy Cross Medical Center is working to protect the community from violence and support patients beyond the hospital.
Telling the Hospital Story: Rural Hospitals in Action
The Telling the Hospital Story initiative shines a light on the crucial work of health systems and hospitals that advance community heath through proactive, compassionate and high-quality care.
Role of Hospitals: UofL Health and Carroll County Memorial Hospital
Big city and rural hospitals partner to address critical community health needs. The goal of the partnership is to improve access to care and keep specialty resources close to home.
Role of Hospitals: Marshfield Clinic Health System
When it became clear that farmers in rural Wisconsin were struggling with mental health issues, Marshfield Clinic Health System began a program to train members of its community — bankers, insurance agents and others — in spotting symptoms of depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts. They are now the front line of defense in a community that may find it difficult to seek help.