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ASHRM 2025 Annual Conference

Annual Conference
Whether you’re a seasoned health care risk professional or just starting in the field, the ASHRM25 Conference delivers valuable insights to help you navigate today’s complex health care landscape.

Webinars: Analyze and Adapt: How to Thrive in a Hardening Insurance Market

Stay ahead of the hardening insurance market by examining how excess pricing is determined and learning about the use of alternative program structures to mitigate the increased cost.

Webinar: Evaluating Your TPA - Metrics and Value

Learn how to showcase your claims program while also making sure that you are getting the services you need from your third-party administrator (TPA).

Evaluating Your TPA - Metrics and Value

Learn how to showcase your claims program while also making sure that you are getting the services you need from your third-party administrator (TPA).

Webinar: Preparing for and Responding to a Large Property Loss

Be prepared for the unexpected and discuss incident response tools to ensure that the claims process goes as smoothly as possible when unforeseen disaster strikes.

Webinar: Workers’ Compensation in Health Care, Return to Work Programs and Limiting Exposure

An overview of workers’ compensation claims in health care settings and recommendations for return to work programs to limit exposure.