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8 Results Found

Invisible Risks Associated with Contaminated Air in Health Care Settings

The critical role of air quality in infection transmission within health care facilities, focusing on strategies to minimize airborne risks.

Emergency Operations Planning in a COVID-19 World

In this program, the speaker will look at the issue of Emergency Preparedness and talk about some of the new scenarios to be considered now that COVID-19 has changed our "normal" in health care.

Webinar: Maintaining Clinical Compliance Through Emergency Management

Learn the key elements of an emergency management program for clinical services and clinical processes for maintaining services in an emergency.

Webinar: Crisis Standards of Care: The Risk Management Perspective - Part 2

Prepare for a Crisis Standard of Care Plan implementation, including new risks that may arise as resources become more scarce.

Webinars: Crisis Standards of Care: The Risk Management Perspective - Part 1

This webinar discusses how a Crisis Standard of Care (CSOS) impacts care provision, ultimately providing guidance on rationing of care.

Webinars: Crisis Standards of Care: The Risk Management Perspective - Part 3

Building on Part 1 and 2, review the next steps in defending cases that arise during the pandemic.

The Epidemic Before the Pandemic: Navigating the challenging landscape of violence in health care

Learn about the extent of workplace violence and who you can partner with in your organization to address it.

Webinar: Beyond the CMS Final Rule: How to Elevate Emergency Preparedness

This webinar recounts relevant stories and lessons learned from the frontlines to help you improve emergency management at your health care facility.