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6 Results Found

Webinar: One Bad Apple: Navigating Through Sexual Battery and Other Intentional Torts

This presentation addresses how "bad apple" claims can spiral into complex situations involving licensing and accreditation issues, criminal investigations, and ethical dilemmas.

One Bad Apple: Navigating Through Sexual Battery and Other Intentional Torts

This presentation will address how "bad apple" claims can spiral into complex situations involving licensing and accreditation issues, criminal investigations, and ethical dilemmas.

Webinar: Best Practices for Balancing Transparency While Avoiding Liability Following the RaDonda Vaught Criminal Verdict

The implications of the RaDonda Vaught trial and what risk management can do to support individual providers and help eliminate mistakes and workarounds.

Activities that Lead to Civil and Criminal Litigation in Health Care

Learn what constitutes medical malpractice, how to identify when it may have occurred, and what proactive and reactive risk management strategies to take to prevent these types of errors from occurring in your workplace.

Webinar: Criminalizing the Honest Reporting of Mistakes: Where Do We Go After the Precedent-Setting Conviction of RaDonda Vaught?

Discover what efforts and innovative models hospitals and health systems are implementing to create physical and psychological safety, retention, and recruiting while overcoming the impact of the precedent-setting conviction of RaDonda Vaught.

Webinar: Beyond the Politics: The Risk Management Implications of Dobbs

This session looks at the critical thinking steps to apply to a new regulation, identifies resources for risk professionals to keep abreast of regulatory changes, and discusses how documenting interstate patient care will challenge providers.